A Long Walk Through Astronomy:
a celebration of the scientific contributions of Luis Carrasco on his 60th Birthday
October 15 - 17, 2008, Huatulco, Oaxaca (Mexico)

Scientific Program

Venue: Barco Huatulco Beach Hotel - Salon ...
Tuesday 14 October
19:00 Registation and Welcome Cocktail
Wednesday 15 October
09:00 Inauguration
09:10 Luis Aguilar Diffusion coefficients of a non-linear astrophysical process: Luis Carrasco's scientific (and other) contributions (Key)
Session 1: 09:40-11:00
09:40 Mark Heyer Molecular ISM and the SF (Key)
10:10 William M. Irvine Molecules in dark clouds (Key)
10:40 Alicia Porras Ultracompact HII regions with Extended Emission:VLA maps and Spitzer--IRAC imagery
Coffee Break 11:00-11:30
Session 2: 11:30-13:20
11:30 Jorge Melnick Myths of the IMF (Key)
12:00 Abraham Luna The molecular environment of Westerlund 1
12:20 Peter Schloerb High Angular Resolution Studies of Herbig AeBe Stars (Key)
12:50 Arcadio Poveda Runaway Stars: Then and Now (Key)
Lunch Break 13:20-16:00
Session 3: 16:00-17:50
16:00 Divakara Mayya Clusters in the post-starburst disk of M82 (Key)
16:30 Lino Rodriguez Merino Analysing the Ultraviolet Emission from M82
16:50 Francesco Ferraro Probing the dynamic-stellar evolution link in old stellar clusters (Key)
17:20 Jesus Gonzalez A broad Walk Trough the whole NIR Sky from San Pedro Martir (Key)
17:50 End of Scientific Sessions .....
Thursday 16 October
Session 1: 9:00-11:00
09:00 Giuseppe Gavazzi Young and Old stars in galaxies (Key)
09:30 Lia Athanassoula Barred galaxy photometry : comparison of the results from the Cananea
09:50 Albert Bosma Kinematics of the barred spiral NGC 1291
10:10 Laura Silva Multi-wavelength modelling of dusty galaxies (Key)
10:40 Olga Vega Modelling the spectral energy distribution of ULIRGs. The energetic environment and the dense interstellar medium
Coffee Break 11:00-11:30
Session 2: 11:30-13:00
11:30 Daniel Rosa Gonzalez Searching for the Youngest Starbursts in the Nearby Universe
11:50 Gian Luigi Granato Two-Phase Galaxy Formation
12:10 Omar Lopez-Cruz Some Aspects of Clusters of Galaxies (Key)
12:40 Hector Javier Ibarra The fundamental Plane of Rich Abell Clusters
Lunch Break 13:00-14:00
Session 3: 16:00-17:20
16:00 Alberto Buzzoni Spectroscopic gradients in elliptical galaxies: open issues and cosmological impact (Key)
16:30 Stephen Strom Rotation of Intermediate and High Mass Stars: Clues to Initial Conditions in Star-Forming Regions? (Key)
17:00 Jose Miguel Rodriguez Espinosa The GTC and its infrared instrumentation
17:20 Miguel Roth The Giant Magellan Telescope at las Campanas
17:40 End of Scientific Sessions .....
Conference Dinner
Friday 17 October
Session 1: 10:00-11:00
10:00 George Djorgovski Blazars and Exploration of Time Domain (Key)
10:30 Matt Malkan Near-IR photometry of starbursts and AGN with new IRAC and AKARI/IRC results (Key)
Coffee Break 11:00-11:30
Session 2: 11:30-13:30
11:30 Luigi Spinoglio AGNs and starburst in bright Seyfert galaxies: from IR photometry to IR spectroscopy
11:50 Jose M. Rodriguez Espinosa Intermediate redshift AGN and their Hosts
12:10 A. Carramiñana Multiwavelength study of gamma-ray bright AGNs
12:30 Alain Chelli Exoplanet spectroscopy with phase closure (Key)
13:00 Alfonso Serrano (Key)
13:30 Lunch ....
Lunch Break 13:30-16:00
Session 3: 16:00-17:00
16:00 . Closing Session