General Session Talks

Date/ Speakers
5    Aurelio Lopez, Miguel Cervin~o, Elena Terlevich
6    Rosa Gonzalez-Delgado, Richard de Grijs
7    Olac Fuentes,  Laerte Sodre
8    Sandro Bressan, Peter Anders, Licai Deng
9    Grazyna Stasinska,  Abilio Mateus, Jesus Gonzalez (INAOE)

12  Guillermo Tenorio Tagle, Casiana Mun~oz, Alberto Carraminana
13  Sergiy Silich, Jan Palous, Marcelo Castellanos
14  Artemio Herrero, Linda Smith, Jay Gallagher
15  Fernando Selman, Roberto Cid Fernandes, Henrique Schmidt
16  Daniel Kunth, Veronique Buat, Denis Burgarella

19  Gerhard Hensler, Angeles Diaz
20  Piercarlo Bonifacio, Margarita Rosado, Edu telles
21  Valentina Luridiana, Miguel Chavez
22  Jose Luis Zechinelli,  Genoveva Vargas
23  Itziar Aretxaga, David Hughes

26  Cristophe Morisset, Miguel Cervin~o, Atmospheres (tbc)
27  Enrique Gaztanaga
ANDERS PETER "Evolutionary synthesis: Goettingen models and applications"
ARETXAGA ITZIAR "Deriving the SFRs of the high-z dust-enshrouded luminous starbursts"
BONIFACIO PIERCARLO "Chemical Abundances in Local Group Galaxies"
BRESSAN SANDRO "Breaking the Age- Metallicity degeneracy in Elliptical galaxies with Spitzer"
BUAT VERONIQUE "The dust attenuation and the star formation rate in the local Universe: First results from the Galex Mission"
BURGARELLA DENIS "Results from the UV satellite GALEX : 1) Local Galaxies & 2) Spectroscopy  of Luminous UV/IR Galaxies"
CASTELLANOS MARCELO "Radiation Softness Parameter and the role of electron density"
CERVIÑO MIGUEL "The Legacy Tool"
CHAVEZ MIGUEL "New Tools for High Resolution Population Synthesis"
CID FERNANDEZ ROBERTO "The New Generation of Population Synthesis Tools: Methods & Applications"
DE GRIJS RICHARD "Star Formation in Extreme Environments"
DENG LICAI "Blue Stragglers in Open Clusters and SSPs"
DIAZ ANGELES "Self-consistent models for the derivation of nebular diagnostics in regions of massive star formation"
FUENTES OLAC "Machine Learning for Astronomical Data  Analysis"
GALLAGHER JAY "Observational Notes on the Super Star Cluster-Starburst-Wind Connection"
GAZTANAGA ENRIQUE "New evidence for a rapid decline in large scale structure formation"
GONZALEZ DELGADO ROSA "Evolutionary Stellar Population Synthesis at High Spectral Resolution"
HENSLER GERHARD "Star Formation: Self regulation vs Starburst"
HERRERO ARTEMIO "A Few Notes on Massive OB Stars"
HUGHES DAVID "Violent star formation at high-redshift observed in ground-based and balloon-borne submillimetre surveys"
KUNTH DANIEL "HI-HII Metallicity controversy"
LOPEZ AURELIO "The Legacy Tool"
LURIDIANA VALENTINA "The astrophysical perspective on the quest for primordial Helium"
MUÑOZ-TUÑON CASIANA "Super Galactic Winds and Super Star Clusters"
PALOUS JAN "Star Formation Triggering: Galaxy Collisions, Gas Stripping & Feeback"
PEREZ ENRIQUE "On the importance of the few most massive stars: the ionizing cluster in
NGC 588"
ROSADO MARGARITA "The interplay between gas and massive stars in irregular galaxies"
SCHMIDTT HENRIQUE "The influence of interactions on triggering star formation and AGN fueling"
SELMAN FERNANDO "The IMF in the low and high density environments of 30 Dor"
SILICH SERGEY "Star Cluster Winds and X-ray emission"
SMITH LINDA "The Evolutionary Spectral Synthesis of Wolf-Rayet Stars"
SODRE LAERTE "A nursery of young objects: intergalactic HII regions in Stephan's Quintet"
STASINSKA GRAZYNA "Emission line trends in global spectra of normal galaxies: clues from the SDSS"
TENORIO-TAGLE GUILLERMO "The Stationary outflows from starburst: from superwinds to supernebulae"
VARGAS GENOVENA "Grid computing meets astronomy-data servers"
ZECHINELLI MARTINI JOSE LUIS "ANDROMEDA : Astronomical  Data   Resources   Mediation Application"