The 2010 Guillermo Haro Workshop in Advanced Astrophysical Research
Compact superstar clusters, birth, evolution and feedback
July 12 - 30, 2010, INAOE, Tonantzintla, Puebla, Mexico

Venue: Auditorio Docente

Final Scientific program

First Week, July 12-16
Day Speaker Title
Monday 12, 10:00 - 13:00
Claus Leitherer HST UV observations of compact, massive star clusters
Roberto Terlevich Stellar kinematics of 30 Dor
Lino Rodriguez Photometric ages of Clusters by fitting SSPs to their SEDs
15:30 Discussion session
Tuesday 13, 10:00 - 13:00
Alberto Carramiñana Gamma-ray emission associated with star-forming regions and AGNs
Joerg Dabringhausen Is the IMF of ultra-compact dwarf galaxies top-heavy?
Thomas Maschberger On the high-mass end of the star cluster mass function
Fabian Rosales Ortega IFS observations of the starburst NGC 3310
Wednesday 14, 10:00 - 13:00
Eduardo Telles 3D spectroscopy of HII galaxies
Guillermo Hagele A comprehensive study of circumnuclear star-forming regions (CNSFRs) in early type galaxies
Veronica Firpo A study of multiple kinematic components and their physical properties in GHIIRs
Ana Torres-Campos Ha and OIII emission line maps of Tol1358-328 and Mrk1318: characterizing the star formation in HII galaxies
15:30 Discussion session
Thursday 15, 10:00 - 13:00
Preben Grosbøl Young massive clusters in nearby spiral galaxies based on NIR observations
Cecilia Fariña Broadband and Narrowband NIR imaging of NGC 604: quest for brand new star formation knots
Abraham Luna The molecular gas associated to the galactic super star cluster Westerlund1
Ricardo Retes Embedded stars in galactic star-forming region IRAS18236-1205
19:00 Public talk in Puebla Downtown
Friday 16, 10:00 - 13:00
Richard de Grijs Achievements and challenges in star formation: where are we going next?
Guillermo Tenorio-Tagle Superstar clusters and the hydro of the reinserted matter
Eduardo de la Fuente The stellar content in High Mass Star formation Regions: Ultracompact HII regions
Ricardo Chávez Murillo HII galaxies as cosmological probes
Week-end: optional visit to Oaxaca (city and pyramids) or Mexico City
Second Week, July 19-23
Day Speaker Title
Monday 19, 10:00 - 13:00
Formal Inauguration
Linda Smith Super star clusters and winds in M82
Casiana Muñoz-Tuñón Feedback and observations
Divakara Mayya Cluster populations in nearby normal galaxies
Mayra Santiago-Cortes Structural parameters of M81 compact star clusters
15:30 Discussion session
Tuesday 20, 10:00 - 13:00
Jan Palous Star Formation Time in Galaxies and Star Clusters
Richard Davies Nuclear Star Clusters and their Impact on AGN Fueling
Sergiy Silich The diet of a SMBH when fed by a nuclear starburst
Filiberto Hueyotl-Zahuantitla The interplay between a young nuclear starburst and a Super Massive Black Hole: The 1D hydro solution
Wednesday 21, 10:00 - 13:00
Roberto Cid Fernandes The forgotten population of Weak Line Galaxies
Grazyna Stasinka HOLMES and the little monsters
Richard Wunsch ISM heating efficiency inside clusters from 3D hydrodynamic simulations
Jorge Sanchez Almeida Signatures of positive feedback on the metallicity
15:30 Discussion session
19:00 Cultural program followed by dinner
Thursday 22, 10:00 - 13:00
Jorge Melnick Starburst Clusters in the Milky Way
Nickolas Moeckel Accretion and collisions in young dense clusters
Gennadiy Bisnovatyi-Kogan Relativistic stellar clusters
7:00 PM Public talk in Puebla Downtown
Friday 23, 10:00 - 13:00
Nate Bastian Are clusters fundamental units in the star-formation process?
Ana Monreal A detailed 2D spectroscopic study of the central region of NGC 5253
Jairo Mendez Abreu The role of stellar feedback in the shape of dwarf galaxies
Daniel Rosa Gonzalez GTC spectra of M81 compact star clusters
Week-end: optional visit to Veracruz (the port city + Tajin pyramids)
Third Week, July 26-30
Day Speaker Title
Monday 26, 10:00 - 13:00
Soren Larsen A critical look at observational constraints on the formation and evolution of cluster populations
Mark Gieles Long term dynamical evolution of clusters: why present day properties tell us little about their formation
Diederik Kruijssen The formation and destruction of star cluster populations in galaxy mergers
Iraklis Konstantopoulos Understanding cluster disruption through observations and modelling.
15:30 Discussion session
Tuesday 27 VISIT to LMT/GTM site

Please check the LMT/GTM visitors webpage in order to read about the cautions of getting to the Sierra Negra summit and please sign the disclaimer form before the trip.

Wednesday 28, 10:00 - 13:00
Henny Lamers The mass history of star clusters in a tidal field
Alessandro Bressan Intermediate age stellar populations: the role of AGB phase in the integrated stellar light
Ricardo Amorin Studying the extreme properties of the green pea galaxies: chemical abundances and evolution
15:30 Discussion session
Thursday 29, 10:00 - 13:00
Horacio Dottori Separating C Stars from Dust in the Central Region of the Seyfert 2 Galaxy NGC 1241
Nancy Levenson The Dusty Environments of Starbursts and AGN
Olga Vega Violent star formation in ULIRGs: MIR to radio view
18:30 Public talk in Puebla Downtown

Charlas publicas/Public talks
Day Speaker Title
Thursday, July 15 Elena Terlevich La magia de las regiones HII
Thursday, July 22 Jorge Melnick ¿Estamos solos en el Universo?
Thursday, July 29 Enrique Perez Una breve historia de los átomos: la evolución química del Universo
Last updated: 15 July 2010