
The Seminar and School of Learning and Computational Intelligence reaches its tenth edition

Santa María Tonantzintla, Puebla, August 26th, 2022. The Seminar and School of Learning and Computational Intelligence (SENAIC) has been an initiative that emerged in the Coordination of Computational Sciences of the National Institute of Astrophysics, Optics and Electronics (INAOE) with the objective of sharing the most recent advances in computational intelligence and learning, and establishing collaborative links for cutting-edge research and technological development projects. Its tenth edition will be held from September 26 to 30 next.

For the third consecutive year, the SENAIC format will be virtual. The event is organized by the INAOE in collaboration with the Applied Computational Intelligence Thematic Network, the Technological Institute of Culiacán (Technological Institute of Mexico), the Tec de Monterrey Campus Estado de México and Monterrey, CENIDET, the Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolas de Hidalgo and the Veracruzana University.

During the days of activities of the Seminar and the School, tutorials, presentations, master conferences, and meetings between researchers from the different fields that converge on their theme are held. A hallmark of these events is that both the tutorials and the conferences are given only by the best experts in each field. In this way, it seeks to disseminate the most current lines of research in the area at the national level among undergraduate and postgraduate students and within both forums the interaction of specialists from the different areas in order to generate new research collaborations.

This event is aimed at students, teachers and researchers interested in computational intelligence and learning. The topics that will be addressed are computational learning, neural networks and deep learning, evolutionary and bio-inspired computation, computational intelligence, fuzzy logic and hybrid systems, as well as applications in affective computing, data science, cybersecurity, optimization, smart cities, health, quantum computing and computer vision, among others.

Dr. Alicia Morales Reyes, INAOE researcher and one of the organizers of the X SENAIC, informs that during the days of activities of the Seminar and the School, tutorials, plenary and master conferences are held, as well as a dialogue table. "In this way, it seeks to spread lines of research that are being worked on at the national level among undergraduate and graduate students and promote the interaction of specialists in order to generate new research collaborations", she abounds.

She adds that one of SENAIC's efforts is to locate women scientists who work on different topics related to Computational Learning and Intelligence. For example, “in the sixth version of the Seminar, a remote conference was held with Dr. Emma Hart from Napier University in Edinburgh, who is a renowned scientist in the area of ??Evolutionary Computing, and is currently Editor-in-Chief of the Journal Evolutionary Computation from MIT. In the 2020 edition of both events, four internationally recognized researchers were invited seeking to have an important gender perspective through the keynote lectures given by doctors, Lucía Barrón (TNM-IT Culiacán, Mexico), Anna Esposito (Universita degli Studi della Campania, Italy), Marta Molinas (NTNU, Norway) and Una-May O'Reilly (CSAI Lab, MIT, USA). This allows us to approach young female students and transmit the message of the possibility of developing at the highest level of knowledge in areas of Learning and Computational Intelligence that today define the present and future in endless contexts that concern everyone and everyone. everybody”.

In each edition of both events, the active participation of students from multiple institutions has been achieved, mainly at the undergraduate level and those postgraduate students who carry out their training and research activities in the areas of learning and computational intelligence.

For his part, Dr. Carlos Alberto Reyes, a researcher at INAOE and another of the organizers, comments: “today, the different areas of study included in Artificial Intelligence, specifically those of Learning and Computational Intelligence, have a great impact on the different areas of knowledge societies, both in academic and research development, and in their impact on the productive areas of public and private initiative. In this sense, bringing the main lines of research and application closer to young undergraduate and postgraduate students is a priority activity that pursues the realization of the tenth edition of SENAIC”.

He added that on September 26 and 27 the School will be held with a total of 16 tutorials given by experts in the areas and on September 28 and 29 the Seminar will be held with 12 plenary lectures given by researchers from various universities, institutes and research centers. country research.

“During each of these days of activities there will be seven master conferences given by scientists of the highest level such as Drs. Luis Enrique Sucar Succar (Researcher Emeritus of the National System of Researchers CONACyT and National Science Award, Dr. José Antonio Lozano from the University of the Basque Country, Dr. Anna Esposito from the International Institute for Advanced Scientific Studies of the Università degli Studi della Campania, Luigi Vanvitelli, Italy, Dr. Francisco Herrera from the University of Granada, Dr. Juan Humberto Sossa Azuela from the Computer Research Center of the National Polytechnic Institute (Emeritus Researcher of the National System of Researchers of CONACyT), Dr. Patricia Jaques Maillard from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, UFRGS, Brazil and Dr. Lucía Barrón Estrada from the National Technological Institute of Mexico, Technological Institute of Culiacán recently recognized by Level III of the National System of Researchers Conacyt”.

To conclude the activities of the Seminar, a discussion forum will be held with leading researchers and from the government, productive and business sectors within the theme of Learning and Computational Intelligence to analyze the present and future of the lines of research and technological development that concern us.

For more information, you can consult the page https://ccc.inaoep.mx/SNAIC/2022/index.html

Last update:
06-09-2022 / 19:02 by Guadalupe Rivera Loy


Luis Enrique Erro # 1, Tonantzintla, Puebla, México, Código Postal 72840, Tel: (222) 266.31.00,  difusion@inaoep.mx

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