*                 New quests in stellar astrophysics:                      *
*                                                                          *
*  T H E   L I N K   B E T W E E N   S T A R S   A N D   C O S M O L O G Y *
*                                                                          *
*                           March 26 - 30, 2001                            *
*                         Puerto Vallarta, Mexico                          *
*                                                                          *

   Please forward this message to potentially interested colleagues. 
   We apologize if you are receiving this circular more than once.

Dear Colleague,

We announce an international conference entitled
             "New quests in stellar astrophysics:
to be held in Puerto Vallarta,  Mexico on March 26 - 30, 2001.

Stellar astrophysics still provides the basic framework to decipher the
imprints left-over by the evolving Universe on all scales. Advances or
shortcomings in the former field bear direct consequences in our ability 
to understand the global properties of the latter.
The aim of this conference is to bring  together astronomers working in
stellar astrophysics and cosmology, with the goal of addressing key
problems in those branches that, though independent by themselves,  are
necessarily connected on a cosmological scale.

Among the fields where this link appears outstanding, we have selected the
following broad topics:

  * The Role of Stellar Atmospheres
  * Population Synthesis in Cosmology
  * The Oldest Stars
  * Primordial Chemical Composition
  * The Local Universe: Distance Scale
  * The Local Universe: The Star Formation History
  * Cosmology with Supernovae

Scientific Organizing Committee:

      Timothy Beers (Michigan State University, USA)
      Alessandro Bressan (Padova, Italy)
      Elias Brinks (U. of Guanajuato, Mexico)
      Alberto Buzzoni (TNG - Canarias, Spain)
      Luis Carrasco (INAOE, Mexico)
      Miguel Chavez (INAOE, Mexico) (CHAIR)
      George Coyne (Vatican Observatory)
      Wendy Freedman (Carnegie Obs. USA)
      Ken Freeman (Mount Stromlo, Australia)
      Manuel Peimbert (UNAM, Mexico)
      Alfonso Serrano (INAOE, Mexico)
      Benjamin Taylor (Brigham Young Univ., USA)
      Yuzuru Yoshii (U. of Tokyo, Japan)

Local Organizing Committee:

Divakara Mayya (INAOE, Chair), Jose Ramon Valdes (INAOE, Co-Chair), 
Soledad del Rio (INAOE), Lino Rodriguez (INAOE), Emanuele Bertone 
(OAB, Italy and INAOE).

Puerto Vallarta is a well-known beach resort of Mexico, on the Pacific
coast. It enjoys a very pleasant weather in March. The conference hotel 
disposes of private beach and wide tourist facilities.

If you are interested to receive further information please fill-out the
web-form at http://www.inaoep.mx/~costa01/prereg.html or send the
attached e-mail form to: costa01@inaoep.mx
(WWW registration should be preferred, if possible).

The conference website is: http://www.inaoep.mx/~costa01/
This conference is sponsored by the Instituto Nacional de Astrofisica,
Optica y Electronica (INAOE) and the Universidad de Guadalajara, Mexico.

 | Attn: Dr. Soledad del Rio                                      |
 | Instituto Nacional de Astrofisica Optica y Electronica (INAOE) |
 | Luis Enrique Erro 1, Tonantzintla,                             |
 | Apartado Postal 51 y 216, Puebla 72840                         |
 | MEXICO                                                         |
 | Fax: +52 2 2472231                                             |
 | Phone: +52 2 2663100, +52 2 2472011                            |
 | Email: costa01@inaoep.mx                                       |
 | WWW  : http://www.inaoep.mx/~costa01/                          |

On the behalf of the SOC and LOC

Miguel Chavez
Divakara Mayya

20 September 2000

-cut here--cut here--cut here--cut here--cut here--cut here--cut here-

  New quests in stellar astrophysics: THE LINK BETWEEN STARS AND

                                Pre-registration Form

Family Name:

Given Name:





Attendance and Contribution:

 - I'm interested in attending the conference: [Y/N]
 - The tentative title of my contribution is:


 - Unsure to attend, but keep me on the mailing list for circulars
  and program: [Y/N]

Fill-out this form and email it to costa01@inaoep.mx to receive further