3rd Guillermo Haro Astrophysics Conference on

Cosmic Evolution and Galaxy Formation:

Structure, Interactions, and Feedback

Puebla, Mexico, November 15-19, 1999

Registration Form

Basic Information

Mailing Address

Information on your contribution

Preferred type of contribution




Abstract: (in LaTex document-style or simple ASCII. You can also send the abstract by email to cosmo99@inaoep.mx)

Hotel & other Information

The Hotel in which you wish us to arrange accomodation in Puebla
Click here to get the Hotel details

Type of room?

Number of people accompanying you:

If you would like to share a room with another conference participant please provide his/her name:

Date of Arrival: November , 1999
Date of Departure: November , 1999

In order to help us give you a better service, we will appreciate you reply the following questions too:

Are you a student?
Are you a smoker?
Are you a vegetarian?
Will you need some kind of child-care facilities?
Are you likely to attend the reception on Sunday evening?

If you have any special needs please explain it below:

Please send your credit card information (number and photocopy of the card itself) by FAX to Ms. Araceli Menchaca to +52-2-2474306 to back up your reservation.

Please submit the completed form before September 1, 1999.