Dr. Daniel Ferrusca R.
Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica, Óptica y Electrónica
Coordinación de Astrofísica
A.P. 51 Y 216
Puebla, Puebla. C.P. 72000. México.
Office / Lab phone:  +52-222-2663100 ext. 1304 / 8102
E-mail: dferrus
Part of the ngVLA mexican team for the develpment of instrumentation for characterizing potential sites at Mexico for the radio antennas in northern Mexico. A collaboration project between IRyA-UNAM, IA-Ensenada-UNAM and INAOE. 2023
Development of low temperature electronics for quantum computing. Collaboration between INAOE researchers and the Central Institute of Engineering, Electronics and Analytics ZEA-2 Julich, Germany.
Development technology, data, and capacity in mm-wave water vapor radiometry for radio astronomy, this is a Binational Mexico-South Africa CONACyT NRF project with the collaboration of UNAM & INAOE  in Mexico, and the Univ. of Pretoria, SouthAfirca.
Member of the LANGTM - Laboratorio Nacional de GTM - its mission is to optimize the scientific exploitation of the telescope to maximize its impact in research and technological developments. LANGTM is part of the national networks of labs associated to CONACyT and is integrated by Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica, Óptica y Electrónica y la Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla
MUSCAT (Mexico-UK Sub-mm Camera for Astronomy) project.
MUSCAT is a new large-format camera for the Large Millimeter Telescope using LEKIDS detector technologies. This is a collaboration project between Cardiff University, INAOE and the LMT.
TOLTEC: the future second generation instrument for the LMT.
TOLTEC is a collaboration  between the LMT, the Univ. of Massachusetts, Univ. of Arizona and the Univ. of Cardiff, UK.
MEGARA project for GTC (Multi espectrógrafo en Gran Telescopio de Canarias de alta resolución para Astronomía). The MEGARA project is a collaboration between the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain), the Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica, Óptica y Electrónica (INAOE, México), the Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (IAA-CSIC, Spain), and the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM, Spain) and some private companies like FRACTAL and AVS (Spain).
Collaboration with the project "AzTEC", a bolometer camera at 300 mKelvin for the LMT. UMass Amherst,   Cardiff,Caltech, INAOE, Sejong University,Smith College
Collaboration with the Large Millimeter Telescope, a 50 meter diameter antenna for millimeter astronomy at 4600 meters above sea level at Sierra Negra,Puebla. Mexico
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