Guillermo Haro 2015 Workshop: July 6-24, 2015, Tonantzintla, Puebla



Scientific program

Scientific Program

Below is the link to the Scientific Program

PDF File

MONDAY, July 6, (Formation of SMBH Seeds)

Isaac Shlosman - Proto-AGN: SMBH Seeds Formation and Associated Processes

David Hughes - The Event Horizon Telescope: VLBI observations of SMBHs with the LMT

TUESDAY, July 7, (Seed SMBHs and Host Galaxies)

Dominik Schleicher - Formation of SMBHs via Direct Collapse: Successes and Problems

John Wise - Effects of a Direct Collapse to SMBHs on Early Galaxy properties

Vivienne Wild - The incidence of AGN in Post-Starburst Galaxies at 1 < z < 2

WEDNESDAY, July 8, (Formation of SMBH Seeds)

 Jun-Hwan Choi - Formation of SMBHs at High-Redhsifts in Cosmological Simulations

Muhammad Latif - Formation of SMBHs in Early Universe by A Direct Collapse

Aycin Aykutalp - Seed BH Growth and Stellar Populations

Melanie Habouzit - Massive BH Formation in Cosmological Simulations

Yang Luo - Formation of SMBHs by a Direct Collapse: Comparison Study

THURSDAY, July 9, (Formation and Growth of SMBHs)

Massimo Gaspari - Chaotic Cold Accretion onto SMBHs

Alessandro Lupi - Formation of BHs in Stellar Clusters

Aycin Aykutalp - Effects of X-Rays on a Direct Collapse

Eric Jiménez-Andrade - AGN-Driven Winds and Ionized Clouds Moving Along the Jet in PKS 0521-365

FRIDAY, July 10, (AGN and Host Galaxies)

Cristina Ramos-Almeida - Are Luminous QSOs Formed by Galaxy Interactions?

Andreas Schulze - The cosmic growth of the active black hole population

Shane O'Sullivan - The Relation Between Magnetic Field Properties of Radio Galaxies in Different Accretion States

MONDAY, July 13, (AGN: Accretion and Feedback, Gamma-Ray View)

Moshe Elitzur - Structure and Evolution of the AGN Torus and Broad Line Region

Paola Marziani - A Main Sequence for Quasars

Alberto Carramiñana - The HAWC Gamma-Ray Observatory

TUESDAY, July 14, (Gravitational Collapse: Physical Processes)

Christoph Federrath - Role of Turbulence, Magnetic Fields and Feedback for Star Cluster Formation

Daniel Angles-Alcazar - Torque-Limited Growth of Massive BHs

Kambiz Fathi - Analytical models of Observed Velocity Fields in Galactic Disks


THURSDAY, July 16, (SMBHs and Galaxy Interactions)

Takamitsu Miyaji - X-Ray Luminosity Function of AGN and Implications for Two Modes of AGN Evolution

Sebastian Sanchez - Effect of AGN on Star Formation History of Galaxies

FRIDAY, July 17, (SMBHs, X-Ray/Optical View of AGN)

Omar López-Cruz - How Big Can Supermassive Black Holes Grow?

Ka-Wah Wong - Resolving Gas Flow within the Bondi Accretion Radius of the SMBH in NGC 3115 with Chandra

Paola Marziani - Quasars at Extremely High Accretion Rates: Potential Distance Indicators?

Mary Martínez Aldama - O I and Ca II Observations in Intermediate Redshift Quasars

MONDAY, July 20, (Galaxies at High and Low Redshifts)

Kentaro Nagamine - Formation of Galaxies at High Redshifts

Emilio Romano-Diaz - The Gentle Growth of Massive Monsters at High-Redshifts

Alejandro Olguín-Iglesias - The Host Galaxies of AGN with Highly-Beamed Synchrotron Emission

Mariela Martínez-Paredes - Nuclear IR Emission in the Nearby ULIRG UGC 5101 with CanariCam/GTC Data

TUESDAY, July 21, (Seed SMBH Formation, AGN Feedback, Starbursts)

Bhaskar Agarwal - Paradigm of SMBH Formation in a Direct Collapse

Sergiy Silich - Starving SMBHs in the Starburst Environment

Hidenobu Yajima - Formation of Massive Black Hole Seeds in First Galaxies

Fernando Romero - Formation of SMBHs in Nearby Universe

Víctor Patiño-Álvarez - 3C 279 as a High Energy Astrophysics Laboratory

WEDNESDAY, July 22, (Visit to LMT)

THURSDAY, July 23, (AGN: X-Ray/Optical Views, Accretion and Feedback)

Yutaka Fujita - Gas Accretion onto Black Holes, Jet Power and Feedback in Galaxy Clusters

Itziar Aretxaga - AGN Tori

Zeus Valtierra - Reberveration Mapping on QSO's using RATIR

Francisco Mueller-Sanchez - Impact of AGN Feedback on the Evolution of Seyfert Galaxies

FRIDAY, July 24, (General Discussion)